Zynk Workflow Documentation Project

The December holiday break is always a quiet time for our development and support teams so we took advantage to that downtime to completely revamp the documentation for Zynk Workflow.


Our development team use the Microsoft documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com extensively and have always found it extremely well structured, easy to read and navigate.

After doing some research the team found Microsoft use a documentation platform called DocFX to create all their documentation.

After a trial run of the DocFX system, the team took the decision that it would be in both the interests of development team and our customers to migrate the documentation from the Jekyl documenation platform running on Github over to DocFX which we could self-host.

Migrating the project was a reasonably painless task as all our documentation was already in Markdown which is a structured markup language used by websites such as Wikipedia for creating HTML from simple text based shorthand.

Due to the requirements to restructure each area of the documentation there were a few pain points around the file and folder structures but nothing our team couldn’t handle.

The new documentation now consists of 4 areas

  • Documentation – this section contains all the documentation for the main application and all the Connectors
  • Extensions – This section docuements the add-ons we have for Zynk such as Log viewers,
  • Developers – details all of the XML schemas required for developers to integrate with the various connectors if they are not using AutoMappers
  • Tutorials How To documentation, Tutorials and Example Workflows

We are just putting the final touches to the documentation project and of course we are automating the entire build process using Zynk Workflow to perform a GIT pull, compile the project and upload it via FTP to our hosting provider

Moving forward for new products the team will be using the same documentation format so you can expect a standardised experience across all our product range.

You can see the new docs project at https://docs.zynk.com if you have any feedback on how we can improve it or spot any issues please let one of the team know.